Things you might notice if we work together

I won't respond to emails immediately

But I will respond to them within 48 hours, and when I do I'll make sure I give them the time they deserve. I learned years ago that living inside my email inbox is a surefire way to fragment my attention throughout the day.

What this means for you is that I'll focus my full attention on your product. I'll enter a state of flow and have insights about your product I wouldn't have had if I were constantly checking and responding to my email.

I try to check my email twice per day: Once before lunch, and once before I leave the office.

I won't be available in Slack all day

Even though I built a SaaS product that loves Slack, I've found that it tends to interrupt and fragment my work.

I love Slack for what it is: A clever tool for communicating with your team about the on-goings of the day. But I've noticed that when Slack is open and active as I work, my attention gets split between the work of attending to inbound chat messages and the work of designing and programming.

That's why I usually only keep Slack open for an hour each day, and try to remain engaged with chat for that period of time. It reduces the number of times I have to switch contexts over the course of the day, which ultimately turns into cost savings for my clients and a happier mind for me.

We won't have tons of meetings

If we work together, I want to ensure you feel confident I understand your business and how software can help you.

But once I do, it's critical to your project that I get to spend long blocks of uninterrupted time deep in thought (and code) building your new product.

Some meetings are productive. If we call a meeting to define next week's block of work, and afterwards we've defined the work, then hooray! What a productive meeting.

But if we call a meeting to "discuss the status of the project," what have we accomplished that couldn't be done in a couple emails? When it comes to meetings, clear outcomes are key. If I'm not billing you for lots of meetings, that'll leave time for building your awesome product.

You'll get the best service and quality

And of course: Because my mind is freed to go off and imagine the best solutions for your project, you'll get a better product. I guarantee it.