Ideas, ideas, ideas!

So I’ve been developing some ideas for neat web projects to occupy my time with. Let me fill you in…

Hitchhiker, as I am calling it, will be a new way to categorize and find information on the web. Rather than having an implied hierarchy as is present in most online directories, why not visually represent the hierarchy in a Mac-OS-X-Finder-esque way? The page could start with a top-level listing on the left side of the screen. As soon as you choose a category, another list appears next to it. The application continues in this fashion until it gets to actual items with information associated, at which point clicking on the item will bring up a window with the article or whatever is associated with that item. All of this could be animated in the style of a certain nameless fictional book from a nameless recent motion picture of the same name .

skrap:pad… oh boy. This one is my baby. Imagine a web free of the chains of HTML. Imagine a web that works more like Adobe Photoshop. That is what I envision for this–rapid web “scrapbooking” using completely graphical menus. The possibilities would be endless.

to be continued…