The beginning of my freelance career

Yesterday I met with the station manager at WICB and he officially offered me the job of redeveloping their web site. This is great news. Hopefully this will officially jumpstart my freelance web development career and give me some connections.

I have recently started learning the Ruby on Rails web development paradigm. It seems to be an interesting approach at database-driven web applications. However, learning Ruby might be more commitment than I’m ready for at this point. I started developing an application to keep track of my finances as a tutorial application. So far, I have support for accounts, transactions, and transaction categories. All of the data is stored on my MySQL server. What’s neat about Rails is its understanding of databases. With one line, it understands the relation between, say, account transactions and accounts.

Today also marks the first real snowfall of the season (ugh). Looks like I’ll be hibernating for a few months.

Until next time,